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Auteur Titre: Cave-Ding Group manual : nouvelle édition Date
Frank Le CDG vient de reéditer son manuel technique.
Il devrait être prochainement disponible à la vente.

POur info :

Sample of the Editors notes

"The Cave Diving Group was founded in 1946 and has a history that CDG members are justifiably

proud of. This manual is the distillation of that history. The CDG has highly experienced cave divers

within its ranks; it also draws on the experience of its past members. This manual contains some of that

experience. The manual also reflects the dry caving roots that the CDG springs from and from where it

continues to draw most of its membership. In many ways cave divers within the CDG can be seen as

technical cavers. A good dry caving back ground can not be underestimated for the aspirant CDG


Cave diving is a pursuit that is continually evolving (although it is hoped this manual will stay current

for a few years). Each new site or project may require adaptation of the techniques within this manual.

Some of these adaptations may even find wider favour within the CDG. New equipment will also bring

about change in techniques and the application of them. In this way the CDG moves forward. The CDG

is not a prescriptive organisation and looks to foster technical progress in its membership. In this way

the CDG builds the path to a continuing future by remaining progressive."

Andrew Ward, Colin Hayward


Chapter 1 The Cave Diving Group

Chapter 2 Dive planning

Chapter 3 Equipment and configuration

Chapter 4 Core skills

Chapter 5 Exploring and recording sumps

Chapter 6 Specialist skills and equipment

Chapter 7 Awareness of mixed gases

Chapter 8 Rebreathers

Chapter 9 Dry caving and the cave diver

Chapter 10 Cave diving outside the UK

Appendix 1: CDG Documentation

Appendix 2: Accident analysis

Appendix 3: Further reading

Appendix 4: Emergency contacts
2008-01-17 13:40:20
ex-manuelix Ca y est, le livre est édité Outre-Manche. Les premiers exemplaires voguent actuellement vers la terre des Gaules. 2008-02-27 18:09:24
maxime me suis laissé dire qu'il y avait aussi de belles images...:o) 2008-02-27 22:26:18
claude 84 merde je ne parle pas inglis a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2008-02-27 22:40:14
Frank Je constate que la perfide Albion ménage de véloces corridors aériens avec l'Helvétie.
Gare à la flagornerie, Maxime ;-))

Claudius, t'en fais pas, on te fera la lecture, le soir au coin du feu ;-))
2008-02-29 00:28:26
Guillaume Pourrais tu me dire ou tu as pu le trouver car apparement sur le site du CDG, il ne parle pas encore de la nouvelle edition.

2008-03-01 20:31:21
mathias on en parle....dans le CDG forum ou *massage board* ;-)
voila le liens:

2008-03-01 20:38:50
Guillaume Merci 2008-03-01 20:44:28
Frankisn't it Arrivé hier dans la mailbox.

Very nice job !

A quand les français ? Un futur manuel en préparation pour l'été indien, dans la langue de Shakeaspeare.
2008-03-02 08:15:12
AMW Il sera à vendre dans la page Web de CDG.(Le paiement avec paypal)

2008-03-02 10:50:23
Frank au repos l'édition de l'automne c'est en langue de Voltaire, of corse.
Plus 20 ans moi, besoin de plus de temps pour récupérer après une explo....
2008-03-02 18:28:17

